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Columbia International College
1003 Main St W, Hamilton, ON L8S 4P3, Canada
More about
Columbia International College
Our Promise, Your Success
Year after year, Columbia graduates receive close to $2 million in scholarships and gain admission to some of the world's top universities. Since 1979, through our ASEP-Total Care Education System®, students have been nurtured to become strong leaders, trained to develop their potential and they have ultimately leaped higher than they thought possible. Our commitment to our students' academic and personal achievement is evident: Students strive for success; Columbia maximizes their potential to achieve it!Maximizing Students' Potential
Total Learning – helping students achieve higher success than they thought possible. Columbia's ASEP approach takes full advantage of the flexibility of Ontario's education system, customizing students' study programs to provide a healthy balance of learning and fun beginning on day one. 3 Areas of ASEP's Balanced EducationEducation Beyond Academics & Exams
We implement innovative and interactive teaching styles in the classroom to develop students’ skills in:- Critical thinking
- Creative thinking
- Research and inquiry
- Organization and presentation
- Teamwork
- Supplementing in-class learning with field trips and workshops
- Encouraging students to participate in sports, clubs and student leadership positions
- Music
- Arts
- Drama
- Science
- Media
Balanced Assessment of Performance
We believe students should enjoy a balanced lifestyle at school and in residence. At Columbia, final marks for most courses are determined equally by:- Coursework
- Test marks
- Final Assessments
Nurturing and Supporting Students to Live Successfully
Total Living® offering students the best home away from home care in the safest living environment.
At Columbia, we understand that students are both excited and challenged to adjust to their new life in the following ways: Emotional – new way of living Social – new roommate, new friends Nutritional – new foods Physical – new climate, new environment Total Living® provides students with the best facilities and quality services designed for their safety, security, and convenience. This allows students to:- Transition safely and smoothly into their new environment
- Have opportunities to make lifelong friends from diverse background
- Stay focused on their studies
See for yourself!
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