More about
Sparhawk School
As progressive educators, we preserve best practices from the past, weaving them together with evidence-based, contemporary practices, and incorporate relevant technological innovations as they evolve. In planning and decision-making about individuals, the community, the curriculum, and future development of the school, we are guided by our philosophy: Honoring Children, Celebrating Ideas. Our students understand and experience daily the fact that who they are and who they will become are, for us, a precious trust. The interplay of our passionately-held values creates the signature Sparhawk experience that allows students to flourish.
We build strong community, encourage collaboration, and respect the uniqueness of each individual. We create real and tangible experiences that stimulate curiosity and inspire inquiry. Students are encouraged and guided in their journey toward deep understanding across disciplines, and benefit from positive adult and peer mentorship, secure in the knowledge that their strengths, needs, and interests are recognized